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EMOTIONAL HEALING From Worry and Stress to Real Inner Strength
DAY 1: Hands-on instrument for Dealing with Difficult Emotions
Are your emotions "Negative" or "Bad"? (3:47)
Meditation for Immediate relief: the HINT (10:59)
DAY 2: One of the most powerful psychological tool EXPLAINED
Why is ESSENTIAL to get a HINT in Difficult Times (15:13)
The 3-Breaths Pocket Practice. Mindfulness Meditation (0:36)
DAY 3: The Psychology of (Painful) Emotions
The secret of painful emotions that every Psychologist knows (and now you too) (5:41)
A Powerful Psychological Tool: The TREE Exercise (9:31)
DAY 4: The root-source of our difficult emotions
The roots of our emotions and a new Powerful Psychological Tool for Awareness of your own root- source (14:11)
DAY 5: What happens when we BLOCK the Emotional Healing process
The 3 main COPING strategies ANYONE uses to cover up intense feelings (6:15)
Mindful Exercise for seeing the way or mind works: The Hand Practice (3:18)
Working with Intensity of Emotions and The EmotioMeter Technique (5:09)
DAY 6: The path to well-being: these simple steps will start the CHANGE
Creating new pathways in the brain with Practice: Taking in the Good (14:22)
DAY 7: The Path to Emotional Healing has this ESSENTIAL Mid-Point
This A.I.A. Mindfulness Model brings a rapid Connection to our True Self (4:02)
Meditation Practice: "Filling the Cup" -based on the science of the Mid-Point: Self-Compassion (17:48)
DAY 8: Difficult emotions in relationships
Practice: "Just Like Me" - An almost 'MUST-DO' before difficult conversations (10:42)
How to talk mindfully to your loved ones so that they can really listen (and heal) (3:54)
"Every Breath you Take" - How do you perceive words in your mind?
DAY 9: Empowering ourselves in face of difficulty
Gain self-trust and Seeing the Bigger picture in all situations (12:23)
DAY 10: Painful Emotions, you don't scare me anymore! Setting the Next Steps for Emotional Healing
How to make difficult times feel less difficult (13:31)
Wrap-Up: 10+ Practices and Downloadable resources for deepening the Mindfulness and Compassion in Difficult Moments
Meditation Practice: "Filling the Cup" -based on the science of the Mid-Point: Self-Compassion
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